Is it True That Nobody Can Beat the Casino House Edge in a Roulette Game?

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Is it True That Nobody Can Beat the Casino House Edge in a Roulette Game?
In early 20th century, Albert Einstein has made series of challenges on the completeness of Quantum Theory that presented by physicist Max Planck in 1900. The challenge has prompted to his famous comments, "God does not play dice." He believed that, everything in universe has it law and order, and it does not build on probability as per described in Quantum Theory.
Hence, when come to the roulette game with casino's 'House Edge' advantage, he had actually misled the whole world of gambling by making a statement that, "Nobody can beat roulette system unless they steal the money when the croupier isn't looking at it." Is it truth that neither anyone nor the system can beat the casino's 'house edge'?
In the new century, getting more and more mathematicians and gamblers had discovered the incompleteness of Albert Einstein's statement that they believe Albert Einstein himself knew it and does not want the whole world to find out.
They discovered that, "You can't change the advantage of the house edge in a single spin or bet of the roulette games, but you can slowly reduce and eliminate the house edge advantage in series of spins". Don't get this wrong, it's not the common progression method that they talking about.
In the ordinary progression method proposed by many gurus, you can easily end up with more than $1,000,000 bet after you doubling up the bet amount up to 13 times with the initial bet of $25. Most of the progression method failed is not only because of the huge accumulated bet amount required but also the progression breakdown when the house edge number (0 and or 00) hit.
Recently I have read a roulette betting strategy book that claimed the roulette system can be beaten in 3 simple steps.1-Reverse the casino house edge to player; 2-Delaying the bet; 3-Multiplying betting platform.
I notice that, this strategy has actually overcoming the fundamental weakness of the ordinary progression method by delaying player's 1st bet to after 6 similar hits occurring continuously. At the same time, the strategy has reduced the waiting period by playing many roulette tables at the same time. Another thing that I like about this strategy is the author has actually making a combination bet which also includes the house edge number (0 and or 00) as well. It directly reverses the house edge advantage 5.26% to player.
We may not agree that the author has successfully beaten the house-edge but we can't deny that in certain extend the house-edge threat has been reduce significantly.