How to Play Piano Songs - An Online Piano Course Saves You the Embarrassment

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How to Play Piano Songs - An Online Piano Course Saves You the Embarrassment
My online piano course is a great way to learn how to play piano songs. For one thing, it offers flexibility. I don't have to try to make it to a piano lesson. I don't have to worry about whether I have made enough progress in any given week to keep the teacher from yelling at me. If I am busy with kids or work one week, I may not practice as much. If I have a it a little bit lighter with kids or work another week, I can practice more. I can learn to play piano songs my way, on my schedule, without negotiating with anyone else.
If the truth be told, there is another great convenience. Learning to play keyboard online spares you the embarrassment of being bad at something in front of anybody else. That sounds like a silly little concern. But it isn't silly for me. And it probably isn't silly for a lot of people.
I mean, it's not like I don't have lots of opportunities to be embarrassed in the rest of my life. I have plenty of opportunities to be embarrassed. And sometimes what is at stake is crucial, or at least pretty important, so I can't just drop it to avoid embarrassment. For example, I had to bring the car in for emergency surgery a couple of weeks ago and didn't have time to vacuum the crushed potato chips out of the back seat. When I am embarrassed by my kids' behavior or performance in school, I need to deal with it, even if it embarrasses me. And if I make a mistake at work, I need to admit it, fix it and manage the client's reaction.
And besides times when I am embarrassed, there are lots of times when I need to manage expectations, deal with disappointment (no, we can't go to McDonald's), and otherwise juggle demands. So I really don't need to be embarrassed any more than I already am.
It could be enough to dissuade me from learning how to play piano songs. It could be, that is, except that I have a way of learning piano that is completely anonymous and doesn't expose me to public feelings of inadequacy. I do it online, in the privacy of my own home. My teacher doesn't slap my knuckles with a ruler. She is online and on audio files and will never know when I make a mistake. Learning piano online is the perfect solution for a shy, sensitive, easily embarrassed person like me. I face embarrassment, or at least a feeling of being on the spot, a lot in life. I don't like that feeling. I wouldn't like learning how to play piano songs so much if I had that feeling in connection with it. My online course spares me.
I am looking forward to the day when I have made enough progress in piano that I can play in front of others confidently and without fear of inadequacy. That day hasn't yet arrived, but I am sure it will. In the meantime, I am having a ball and learning a lot with an excellent online piano course that not only teaches me how to play piano songs, but also saves me from embarrassment.