Free Online Poker Pro Players Show You How To Slow Play A Slow Player!

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In this free online poker tips lesson we are going to examine a situation you may find yourself in during a heads up game where you and your opponent both think you're got the best hand and so try to slow play each other. This could be called Trap vs Trap.
To illustrate the lesson we'll look at the situation by example. In this case a World Series of Poker final table hand.
The Scenario:
BLINDS 100k/200k, ante 30k - PREFLOP:
A has Ks-10s, raises to 400k
B has As-Ad, calls 200k
A's raise is standard for K-10, which is not as weak in short-handed play as in a full table. B might have reraised A, but A might fold. B might be worried only if the Flop came up paired like J-J-7, but B thinks that a continuation test bet will detect if A has a hand following the Flop.
Reraising preflop which test bet has the same effect of making A fold if A has not got anything, but calling not only conceals A's hand strength, but also makes it dangerous for B to bet if a King or a Ten comes.
FLOP: Kc-5c-3h
B checks
A bets 525k
B raises to 1.45m
A calls 875k (Pot now 3.76m) Now A suddenly had top pair which he might think is the best hand!
B checks, again to hide hand strength.
A bets to build the pot, then B raises.
A may interpret B's raise to be a bluff because he might think B is drawing (note the 2 Clubs) or that B may have a smaller pair, say, A-5 or A-3.A�AA�just calls because he is now the one trying to trap.
TURN: Kc-5c-3h-6s
B bets 1.5m
The 3-Flush didn't come. B's bet is now challenging A.
If A folds, B still wins a big pot. If A calls or reraises, B can push him all-in if action gets back to B.
A's trap looks like it's working thus far. Now B might have decided that A remains on the Flush draw with maybe a small Pair, say Ac-3c. In addition, because preflop A disguised his hand strength well (just smooth-calling), B can imagine that A also has a King, however with a weaker kicker. Now he is convinced that A is going to call anything he hauls in the middle, and he also thinks his trap is working. So what does he do?
A moves All In
B calls 3.6m (Pot now about 14 million)
Both think their traps are successful!
In poker, the higher the hands, the bigger the chips in front. Both did well in preserving the balance building the pot and camouflaging hand strength, but only 1 hand can win. A is only able to win with a river King or Ten.
RIVER: Kc-5c-3h-6s-10c (!)
A wins! But had A carried on trapping through to the river with this river card, it's still the same. Both still have big hands, both are prepared to trap, and both are willing to ravenously hoard each other's chips once the opportunity arises.
Slow Play Trap versus Slow Play Trap - A Conclusion
Take the time to read and comprehend the principles behind this article. Attempt fully understand the key facts behind what is going on with this example and think about ways to put these lessons into your individual play. While poker is not a hard game to learn it is a very hard game to win money at regularly if you are playing seriously.
But if (and when) you learn how to play online poker well then you will make some good money. Why? Because most players never get close to what we can call a good standard of play.
So if you can learn to play above average then it is not hard to make some good money. You certainly don't need to play WSOP levels. The fact that most players are at such a low competence will mean that whenever you hunt/play them on free online poker or low stakes sites then you can clean up.